Our story began in 2014, when Dr. Pervinder Kaur decided to make her dreams come true and took on the challenge of making high-quality dental care accessible to everyone in different demographics. We are a family and community oriented practice and committed to providing "prevention of dental diseases at the earliest and maintenance of long-term oral health".

Minto Family Dental aims to make a dental visit relaxed & soothing for tots to teens and everyone in between! Our top priority is the comfort of our patients and we provide a soothing environment where you feel calm, de-stressed and confident with our services. We believe a healthy bright smile does more than improving your outer beauty, it can boost your confidence and change the way you SMILE.

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Check-up & Clean


Tooth Check-up & Clean Services

A good oral hygiene routine and a regular dental check-up and clean are both essential for maintaining a healthy smile. To remove plaque build-up and calculus which is hard calcified plaque, Minto Family Dental recommends a scale and polish every 6 months. This professional cleaning is an efficient way to remove tartar, protect your enamel and keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Step 1: Check - your dental practitioners will carefully examine your teeth checking for any signs of decay or disease. X-rays may be required to examine your teeth in more detail.

Step 2: Scale - this step involves removing plaque and tartar build-up. Plaque and calculus can both cause damage to your teeth, so it is important to clean them regularly.

Step 3: Polish & fluoride - your dental professional will remove any superficial stains and clean any residual build-up and finish off with a fluoride treatment to help strengthen your teeth so you can walk out of your appointment with a smooth and sparkly smile.

Have you wondered what the benefits of a scale and polish are? Along with brighter, healthier-looking teeth, a scale and polish offer many important benefits such as:

  • Reduced risk of cavities
  • Prevent gingivitis
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Prevent bad breath
  • Save money to avoid major/invasive dental work in the future

At Minto Family Dental your oral health is our number 1 priority. Book in for your next check-up and clean with our friendly dental practitioners.